By theme
“Big expectations for Degroof Asset Management in Hong Kong”

Geert de Bruyne & John Pauly
Managing Director, Director of Fund Services, Banque Degroof Luxembourg
“Being an all cargo carrier gives us flexibility to meet our clients’ varying needs”

Paul Helminger
Chairman, Cargolux

High value and time-sensitive items are best transported by plane. Zhengzou and Luxembourg are forming
“You will not get that kind of flexibility from any other carrier”

Dirk Reich
CEO, Cargolux
“We have the location, the infrastructure and the experienced teams”

Adrien Ney
CEO, Luxair
“We draw on our multiculturalism to build something new”

Lydie Polfer
Mayor, Luxembourg City
“Good connections by air, road, rail and river”

François Bausch
Minister of Sustainable Development & Infrastructure
“We have to understand and work in international markets”

Georges Bock
Managing Partner of KPMG Luxembourg