By theme

“We were the first bank in Mauritius to migrate to EMV chip technology”


/ Mauritius

“We were the first bank in Mauritius to migrate to EMV chip technology”

Entrepreneurial effervescence on the west coast of Europe


/ Portugal

Entrepreneurial effervescence on the west coast of Europe

An economic miracle for some, Portugal is modernizing and alluring. From start-ups to surfing waves, the

Where to buy when prices flare up in Lisbon?

Real Estate

/ Portugal

Where to buy when prices flare up in Lisbon?

While prices are blazing in the capital, players in the real estate sector rely on other cities and other

Real Estate

/ Portugal

“The goal is to make Vilamoura a living city all year round”
“The goal is to make Vilamoura a living city all year round”

Dominique Cressot

Project Director of Vilamoura

Japanese passport – world’s most powerful passport in 2019


/ Global

Japanese passport – world’s most powerful passport in 2019


/ Portugal

“The RNH scheme will reach its 10th year in 2019”
“The RNH scheme will reach its 10th year in 2019”

Rogério Fernandes Ferreira

Founder of RFF & Associates

“We are developing our international structure”


/ Portugal

“We are developing our international structure”

Real Estate

/ Portugal

“We are pioneers in the model ensuring profitability through tourism”
“We are pioneers in the model ensuring profitability through tourism”

Luis Corrêa de Barros

CEO of Habitat Invest

The challenges of Portugal’s economic growth


/ Portugal

The challenges of Portugal’s economic growth

Portugal found its way out of the crisis by focusing on exports, tourism and tax attractiveness. Growth