Transport / Portugal
“We are developing our international structure”

Luis Santos, CEO of Ascendi
Of Portugal’s 3,200 kilometers of motorway, almost a quarter are managed directly by Ascendi, which uses some of the world’s most advanced electronic toll and maintenance monitoring systems. CEO Luis Santos explains.
How did Ascendi win such a position in Portugal?
Ascendi has grown organically, winning bids for three highways, a concession in the Lisbon region and two sub-concessions in the country. Then we grew up with successive extensions of highways initiated by the government.
What types of high technology systems do you use in Portugal?
We have a system called Via Verde, which is a multi-channel, free-flow, barrier-free and toll-free electronic solution. Using this solution since 2010, we are one of the most experienced groups in Europe managing ETC services.
Why would Ascendi be an ideal partner?
We manage a major road network under one brand. The next step is to use our expertise and experience in other markets. Recently, we participated in a consortium with two French companies, in order to obtain the concession for a new road in France, the Center-Europe Atlantique. In doing so, we are developing our international structure to become a European company in the long term.