Ambassador of Maldives to China
Diplomacy / Maldives
“Free visa policy makes it easy to travel”
What attracts Chinese travelers to the Maldives?
The Chinese are discerning travelers who enjoy the picturesque and the scenic, and that is what attracts them. We have blue skies, a rich culture and beautiful beaches. Our free visa policy also makes it easy to travel here.
How is the airline network being developed?
Thanks to our Free Skies Policy, any airline that wants to fly to the Maldives can do so. A number of Chinese airlines are currently flying to the Maldives. Cathay Pacific offers direct flights from Hong Kong. Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore also offer flights to the Maldives. Our two domestic carriers offer direct lines with many cities in China and are opening new routes.
How strong is performance in the export sector?
There is still some difficulty in getting products to China and we are trying to address that through the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between China and the Maldives. We hope to get our fisheries products to China when the FTA is signed. Moreover, a lot of Maldivian small and medium-sized enterprises are going to China to purchase goods and sell them in the Maldives.
What is the government doing to stimulate Chinese investment?
The government is encouraging Chinese investors to set up Chinese resorts. After all, it is very easy to do business in the Maldives and the government protects the interests of all investors. Investors have the freedom to move their profits and have 100 percent ownership.