Telecom & IT / Luxembourg
Entrepreneurs aim to take over live-streaming niche
Docler Holding believes that Luxembourg could enable Europe's top live-streaming service to come to life.

The Docler Holding team in Luxembourg
Born as a garage project in Hungary in 2001, today Docler Holding, which runs a Luxembourg-based live-streaming platform, has become proof of the unlocked potential in the Grand Duchy’s nascent ICT industry. As a deal with Google to build a data center in Luxembourg begins to unfold, entrepreneurs like Docler could already be establishing a niche that will come to define the ICT sector for years to come.
“When it comes to live streaming, you have lots of products emanating from Silicon Valley or the Asian markets, but there is no real big player in Europe yet,” says Karoly Papp, CEO of Docler. “We truly believe that creating a European live-streaming platform, either via mobile or desktop, is something that we could do in Luxembourg,” he claims.
The platform Docler is developing stands out because of its low-latency technology, which Papp says is of higher quality due to the talent and technology they employ in Luxembourg, including 100 developers that are dedicated to this type of product.
The group of Hungarian entrepreneurs chose Luxembourg because of its business-friendly environment. “Luxembourg’s regulations are more business enablers than business blockers,” says Marton Fulop, the group’s COO, who is now focusing on recruiting more talent to Luxembourg. “The government is open for discussion and embraces change,” he adds.
Docler, an international group with various entertainment holdings, is making proactive moves to expand, having just acquired Italy-based Streamago, which will support product expansion.