Suhaimi Hussain
Telecom & IT / Brunei Darussalam
DST enables a brighter ICT future in Brunei
As the market leader in Brunei’s telecom sector, DST is poised to enable the economic transition of the country into an ICT-based society. On-going campaigns to invest in the development of human capital and strategic expansion plans also place DST at the forefront of representing Brunei abroad. Suhaimi Hussain, CEO of DST, explains these ambitious undertakings.
What role does DST play in Brunei’s on-going economic transition?
DST has always strived to be one of the core enablers of economic development in Brunei. Telecommunications is about connecting people and these days that is increasingly done through mobile telephony, where social media is a prevalent form of interaction and data speed is prioritized. In Brunei, as long as data service is available to anybody, anywhere and at any time, then we know we are achieving our role as a key enabler to create a better living for everyone tomorrow.
How is DST modelled to best serve Bruneian telecom customers?
Bruneian customers want to be ensured that their mobile network will have the kind of reliable data speed they need to interact. The end-user is only interested in the experience that they have and not the technology behind it. However, since the successful launch of our 4G LTE network in partnership with Huawei Technologies we have been able to better demonstrate DST’s advantages.
What are your expansion plans?
DST has been actively looking for the opportunity to expand regionally. This year, we invested in Singaporean telecommunications company MyRepublic, which has been vigorously planning to expand. We are convinced that this is an excellent opportunity, as it is in line with our expansion plans as well. This is more than just an investment. Working closely with them grants us exposure to a different market environment and helps us achieve our development goals. DST is now 20 years old and we are embracing this anniversary by celebrating our commitment to human development, by representing Brunei abroad through expansion efforts, and by enabling our customers to create a brighter Brunei.